The Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Initiative aims to facilitate a contemporary research approach to the study of genomics and environmental determinants of common diseases with the goal of improving the health of African populations. Data and Biospecimens from H3Africa projects are available for further use, with access controlled by a Data and Biospecimen Access Committee. The data is housed in the European Genome-phenome Archive and the Biospecimens in three H3Africa biorepositories. This catalogue is to enable users to search for datasets or Biospecimens of interest.
The H3Africa Data Catalogue enables international and African based researchers to search for H3Africa genomics data, physical Biospecimens, their associated metadata and enable researchers to select the relevant samples, populate an online application request form for access to the data from the H3Africa Data and Biospecimen Access Committee (DBAC).
Aim of the catalogue:
- Search and browse H3Africa data associated with samples and genomic data
- Select datasets or sample sets of interest
- Enable ontology-based searching – find results for nearest relevant term, autocomplete search box
- Generate online request form for these datasets and/or sample sets –from same or different projects
Follow this link to the Catalogue…